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strangeliz welcomes you!

Saturday, June 04, 2005


i just saw 2 completly different movies... and both touched me, with such a strong impact...

the first one, was about good and evil...and how evil manipulates our desires(pure and innocent,sometimes naive I would say) and finds out a way to accomplish those desires or offers the hallucination of that accomplishment,just to get smthing from us... smthing bad from ourselves(and we think its good/pure/romantic/sacrifice but its the opposite!)...evil knows how to tare appart our innocense from us with such a beautiful way that we don't see it, and it's soooo weird,cause if we reconsider the situation we would probably see the "trap".the"lies"...


should I say which movie I saw? I'm sure that u won't believe it, but those thoughts passed through my mind watching the new star wars... weird, but thats all about... good and evil... manipulations, lies, "sacrifices"...

ok..thats for the first one

the second one is a chineese movie, called "2046" and I really liked it... it's about relations, and that love is just a question of timing... even if u meet the right one, and u know it, it's not important if it's not the right timing... and i agree with that in a way... but i also believe that sometimes people should try more to get what they want or just tell it to the other, open up...not stay in silence and wait! it's torture!

I thought of my love for a friend of mine who's far away for studies...I had this dream to go and see him, but I could never do such thing...so I figure out that I had to tell him how I felt/feel...I send him an email telling my feelings, and he just wondered if I was on pills or smthing..lol...well I felt really weird cause I dont know how it would be the next time i will c him but I found out that I DONT CARE! cause I did something I wanted, I released my feelings out there...I was happy in a way, i couldnt bare anymore those feelings,hidden deep in my heart...(finally getting over it) Now I don't know my feelings, I think that I will always wonder "what if..." (cause his living really far.other country in fact)and maybe his the case, where u dont really know the other and smthing really great happened and the mind is idealising all this sweet memories...maybe its only that, maybe not..someday we will find out...


ohhh... and i saw another movie to...named "secretary"! at first i was" hmm ok,that's weird"
then it was: WOW that's NOT normal...and at the end it was: It's soooo nice (even thought really f***** up situation)lol


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