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strangeliz welcomes you!

Saturday, May 14, 2005


Already passed a month since our first day in Barcelona... God, how time passes me by! I had so much fun, that it seems to me it was just yesterday! Learning new things, new places, new people!!! Open up my spiritual horizons!! Ready to "seize the moment"... My mind is stuck there... To those "carefree" days and nights!

Today, at work, I had some problems with my knee, I couldn't walk properly... That made me think how important it is for the human body to relax, like in Barcelona, and we really got tired from going to one place to another... Finally, what it really important is the peace of the mind, our soul needs to have some moments to get away, to relax! Man wasn't conceive to work like we do nowadays. He was made by God's love ... And supposed to live in Paradise (meaning earth), and his only worry would have been to make hundreds of babies and take care of the land. Ironically, the only thing he did with success was to destroy "his" planet and to work, and work, and work... For what? Money? Safety? Pessimistic thoughts are running through my mind, the only thing I want is to have my few days of serenity transformed into my life!!! Can I have this? Pure peace of mind.


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